Guidance Department
Helping students achieve their best
Providing access to student counselling is a key part of the TPS academic mandate, and all students have a full range of counselling services available to them. Students are encouraged to seek the services of the guidance department at any time they wish, and/or any member of the faculty with whom they feel comfortable discussing issues.
The guidance department and the entire faculty are available for educational, vocational, or personal counselling, as well as for general information.
Students are not assigned a set teacher advisor – we prefer to enable each student to make an appointment with a member of the faculty of their choice to discuss any issue.
Some areas in which students will find our faculty and guidance department most helpful are peer relationships, university selection, adult relationships, testing and interpretation, school achievement, high school curriculum, course selection and vocational/occupational planning.
The goal of the guidance department is to help students succeed and prepare themselves for post-secondary education. To accomplish this, it provides personal, informative and technical resources so each student can develop a successful and relevant plan.
Career education program
The guidance and career education program is a vital and integral part of the curriculum at TPS. Through the program, students acquire the knowledge and skills that they need to learn effectively, live and work cooperatively and productively with a wide range of people, set and pursue education and career goals, and carry out their social responsibilities. The program is delivered through various means, including classroom instruction, the teacher-adviser program, orientation and exit programs, completion of the annual education plan, career exploration activities, and individual assistance and short-term counselling.
The goals of the guidance and career education program are outlined in the policy document entitled Choices Into Action; Guidance and Career Education Program Policy for Elementary and Secondary Schools, 1999.
- As stated in this document, students are expected to:
- To help students achieve these goals, the content of the guidance and career education program is organized into three areas of learning:
- The key features of the province’s policy in the area of guidance and career education, which are described in detail in Choices Into Action, are as follows:
- The guidance department curriculum includes several activities and services such as:
As stated in this document, students are expected to:
To help students achieve these goals, the content of the guidance and career education program is organized into three areas of learning:
The key features of the province’s policy in the area of guidance and career education, which are described in detail in Choices Into Action, are as follows:
The guidance department curriculum includes several activities and services such as:
How can a student arrange to see a guidance counsellor?
Students are encouraged to meet with a guidance counsellor whenever they have questions about their education or if they have any personal or social problems that they wish to discuss. Students can make an appointment or simply drop in.
In addition, parents can request that a guidance counsellor speaks with their child, friends may request a meeting, or a counsellor can proactively make an appointment with a student.
The guidance centre
The school has a guidance centre where students can access resources including books, computers, pamphlets, and college and university brochures. Students are encouraged to visit the guidance centre and meet with their assigned academic mentors regularly. Guidance centre staff also visit classrooms to discuss topics such as career planning, time management and study skills.
Parents may make appointments to discuss their child’s academic performance, subject selection, or career choices with the guidance centre or the principal. University and college academic calendars are readily available along with other important sources of information. University/college officials are regularly invited to speak to students about post-secondary programs and career opportunities.
TPS information nights
The school hosts student and parent information nights where current university students from a variety of institutions are available to answer queries.