Grade 7 Courses
English Literature 7
This course covers the following four areas of study: language, writing, literature and oral communication. Language study involves vocabulary development and the teaching of formal grammar. Within the writing area, students will communicate ideas and information for a variety of purposes, using forms appropriate for their purpose and topic – such as short stories, research compositions, speeches and proposals.
In literature, students will read and/or analyze a variety of age appropriate creative work (e.g. novels, short stories, poetry, plays, films). As well each student will be responsible for selecting and reading those novels that will be discussed through in-class book re- ports. Finally, within the oral communication domain, students will generate ideas for their own speeches before writing, editing and delivering these in a class setting.
Mathematics 7
This course enables students to develop an understanding of mathematical concepts related to number sense, two dimensional geometry, pre-algebra, algebra, ratio, rates and percents, and data management through investigation, the effective use of technology, and abstract reasoning. Students will investigate relationships and patterns through inquiry. Students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems. Students will be expected to describe what they are doing in mathematics and explain why they are doing it. Problem-solving skills will be applied in all the strands.
Mental math and estimation skills will be stressed as well as the proper use of the calculator. Specific expectations include finding area and perimeter of irregular two- dimensional shapes, determining surface area and volume of rectangular prisms, solving equations and evaluating simple expressions, using and applying the students’ knowledge of probability, operations with integers, and measures of central tendencies. Key to the teaching of this course is developing a positive attitude toward the continued learning of mathematics and the patience and persistence when solving problems.
French 7
The aim of this course is to develop basic communication skills in French and an understanding of the nature of the language, as well as an appreciation of French culture in Canada and in other parts of the world. The Core French Program offers students a valuable opportunity to develop a basic usable command of the French language that can be expanded through further study or contact with French-speaking people. Students listen to and talk about short, oral texts in structured and open-ended situations. They read a variety of classroom and simple authentic materials and communicate information in writing for different purposes. Students identify and use the vocabulary and grammar and language conventions appropriate for this grade level in oral communication and in reading and writing. This course is a continuation of all previous courses and focuses on the continuing development of communicative skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Science 7
This course is built upon the scientific model of learning; that is, exploring, inquiring, predicting, planning and collecting, deciding, communicating, evaluating, and applying data. Heat energy plays a critical role in natural processes and in human life. Global warming has also focused considerable attention on the processes that control temperatures at the earth’s surface.
By acquiring a working understanding of the nature of heat, students in Grade 7 will gain new insights into the ways that heat affects our world. Students will learn about the causes and effects of heat, investigate its properties, relate it to geological and meteorological processes, and use their new-found knowledge to design a device to minimize heat transfer. They will also use the particle theory to help them explain their observations. Experiments with heat require that students identify and explain the importance of practices that ensure their personal safety and the safety of others. This course includes topics from all scientific disciplines: biology, physics, chemistry, ecology, and design and technology. These are taught through the five strands of the Ministry curriculum: Interactions within Ecosystems; Pure Substances and Mixtures; Heat, Structural Strength and Stability; and The Earth’s Crust. The scientific method, scientific literacy, and research skills are stressed throughout the course.
Social Studies 7
The goal of the Social Studies program is to enable students to become familiar with heritage, citizenship and Canada and its world connections by exploring the culture and geography of the family, community, province or territory, country and world. Emphasis is placed on encouraging students to participate effectively in classroom discussions and decisions and to develop mapping skills, learn geographical terminology, and further enhance writing skills. The program aims at ensuring that students understand the basic concepts of History and Geography.
Part I – Geography
Students will explore opportunities and challenges presented by the physical environment and the ways in which people around the world have responded to them. They will develop an understanding of patterns in Earth’s physicals features and of the physical processes and human activities that create and change these features. Building on their knowledge of natural resources, students will study the extraction/harvesting and use of these resources on a global scale. They will examine the relationship between Earth’s physical features and the distribution and use of natural resources while exploring ways of preserving global resources. In this grade, students will be introduced to the geographic inquiry process and to the concepts of geographic thinking. They will apply the concept of geographic perspective while investigating the impact of natural events and human activities on the physical environment and also various effects of natural resource extraction/harvesting and use. Students will continue to develop their spatial skills, extracting and analysing information from a variety of sources, including different types of maps and graphs, photographs and digital representations, and geographic information systems (GIS).
The expectations provide opportunities for students to explore a number of concepts connected to the citizenship education framework, including advocacy, collaboration and cooperation, perspective, and stewardship.
Part II – History
Students will examine social, political, economic, and legal changes in Canada between 1713 and 1850. They will explore the experiences of and challenges facing different groups in Canada during this period, and will compare them to the experiences of present-day Canadians. In this grade, students will be introduced to the historical inquiry process and will apply it to investigate different perspectives on issues in eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century Canada, including issues associated with the shift in power from France to Britain. Students will learn about various groups that existed in colonial Canada and how they were affected by the conflicts and changes that characterized this period. They will begin to apply the concepts of historical thinking to their study of Canadian history, leading to deeper and more meaningful explorations of life in colonial Canada. Students will also develop their ability to gather and critically analyse evidence from primary sources in order to form their own conclusions about historical issues and events.
The expectations provide opportunities for students to explore a number of concepts connected to the citizenship education framework including beliefs and values, equity, freedom, identity, power and authority, and relationships.
Introduction to Computers and Music 7
This course focuses on introducing students to foundational skills that involve computers and their application to society. Students will strengthen their application and knowledge in basic areas such as computer organization and keyboarding skills. Students will also practice the concepts of internet and technology safety, as well as being a good digital citizen. Students will combine their understanding of computer terminology and apply it to a number of computer softwares, including coding and programming applications, and digital design programs to create content on the computer that is suitable for use on the Internet and beyond. Students will also learn the basics of music theory and creation, through the use of MIDI keyboards and mixing and mastering in audio softwares.
Spelling Grammar 7
The aim of this course is to provide the means that will enable the student to understand the process of writing. The student will learn to apply conventions of language in order to express ideas, feelings, and information clearly and precisely. Listening and speaking skills will also develop as the student learns to communicate more freely using bias-free language. The student will know how to direct questions and talk through ideas to clarify thinking, promote reflection, and generate ideas for written work. Spelling, grammar and composition are consistently interwoven over a five-day cycle to help the student reach his/her potential in English language skills.
Fine Arts 7 (Visual Arts 7 and Drama 7 combined)
Part I – Visual Arts 7
The Grade 7 art program is history and skill based, stressing the viewing and discussion of important works and the techniques to express oneself artistically. Studio projects are based on the periods studied and highlight important styles and artists from the Prehistoric to Modern art periods. Students have the opportunity to work with a variety of media. They develop projects using their understanding of the elements of design. The overall aims are to nurture a positive attitude to and an understanding of the role of art; nurture a positive attitude and interest in all art and art history; encourage the students to continue to express themselves through their art throughout their lives. In developing the ability to analyse and describe works of art from various historical periods and in different styles, they will also learn to understand and appreciate a wide variety of art works.
Part II – Drama 7
Students in Grade 7 will develop or extend understanding of the following concepts through participation in various drama experiences. The elements of drama will be covered. The student will study role/character: considering motivations of historical and fictional characters; considering various facets of multidimensional characters; revealing character through the use of props and movement/blocking; maintaining commitment to role. Develop and analyse multidimensional relationships in the drama. The student will improvise with available materials to establish setting; using blocking (e.g., when and where to move) and stage areas (e.g., upstage right, downstage centre) in planning and performance. The student will use sound, lighting, technology, and stage effects to heighten tension; using foreshadowing to create suspense. The student will use a range of devices and effects to highlight specific aspects of the performance for the audience.
Physical and Health Education 7
This course focuses on the importance of regular physical activity and appropriate life style choices. Students will be given an opportunity to participate in a variety of physical activities that promote life-long healthy active living. The health program follows the ideals of overall wellness and will cover issues such as decision making, sexual education and substance use and abuse. Students participate on a regular basis in physical activities that maintain or improve physical fitness. Through a balance of activities, students build strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and co-ordination, as well as develop creative expression, freedom of movement, problem solving skills and the ability to work as a team to reach a common goal: develop creativity, confidence and physical fitness; develop gross and fine motor skills; develop hand-eye co-ordination; develop an appropriate degree of balance, strength, flexibility, agility, endurance, power, speed and effort; work independently and co-operate well with others; use equipment and compete safely; demonstrate positive sportsmanship at all times; promote spirit in fair play and team play; promote other social skills such as following directions, decision-making, communication with others and leadership. They will discuss personal safety, and peer pressure related to substance use and abuse. The course promotes body awareness, self-confidence and helps children recognize and enjoy the value of physical fitness and good health.