Extra curricular
Encouraging interests and developing passions
The clubs at Toronto Prep appeal to a variety of interests and abilities. Clubs are a fantastic way for a student to extend their learning beyond the regular school day. These clubs also serve as social mixers and allow students to meet others with similar interests.
We hope that each student can find an outlet for personal expression in one or more of these organizations!
TPS students can choose between the following clubs and activities:
- Chess Club
- Mathematics Club
- Photography Club
- Engineering Design Club
- Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
- Art Club
- Tea Club
- Comic and Gaming Club
- Reach for the Top
- Newsletter / Yearbook
- SOMA (Southern Ontario Model United Nations Assembly)
- The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
- Debate Society
- Jewish Culture Club
- French Club
- Music Club
- Investors Club
- Recreational hockey
Students can find out more information about specific clubs at the main office or guidance office.